On Sun 13 July 2014 we held a Social Development Workshop in Dominionville and we used the opportunity to bless 150+ kids with clothes generously donated to us by Salome.
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The moment that we have to start saying Jesus lives, something inside of us changes… It doesn’t change just from the change that comes from confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord, it comes from overcoming something inside of us that we have not wanted to admit.. the truth we have to actually start believing, and … Read more
I can only imagine a life of so much abundance. I have wondered how it would be if we as God’s children took a moment and imagined the glory that is Christ surrounding us? This amazing Father who sacrificed everything to bring us back to Him should we so choose. He came to give us … Read more
In many places all over the world we will find people trying to give an explanation as to who God is… this is very necessary for without a worldly explanation as to who God is we will have to accept that God’s word could actually be true. 1Co 1:20 Where is the one who is … Read more
John 4:7 A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.” Jesus’s meeting with the woman at the well was not by chance, Jesus had an appointment. John 4:9 The Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, … Read more
Racism (also meaning Prejudice, Discrimination, Bigotry, Intolerance, and Xenophobia) so in conclusion, we can presume, that Racism covers colour to colour, class to class, job to job… The ability to strip one of his dignity, his right to feel valued, his right to be human! There is a saying I hear over and over, and … Read more
Luke 9:16 Feeding five thousand Have you ever read the bible and wondered where will we see these types of miracles, in our modern society. We live in 2016 and I cant think i have ever seen this happening in our day and age, and I realized but Lord I live this miracle every day. I … Read more
Hope Crèche will be hosting its third Graduation since opening in 2014. This is truly an event to be proud of. How can it be that one spark can set such an amazing fire. A fire that is not stoppable, it is all consuming, overflowing like a star it is creating so many what ifs, what if … Read more
Today I spoke to a man, he was upset at my bible talk and at last after some time he finally confessed that He didn’t want to know who God is, people fought hard, died in wars, protested at the injustice of society so that we can be free. He said how can I want … Read more
On Sun 13 July 2014 we held a Social Development Workshop in Dominionville and we used the opportunity to bless 150+ kids with clothes generously donated to us by Salome.
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Today I asked myself a few times, is all this really worth it? I have faced challenges in my life and in this ministry but nothing ever equipped me for what I have experienced in Dominionville. How I long back to my people of Olifantshoek, people who never knew me, but opened there hearts to … Read more