On Sun 13 July 2014 we held a Social Development Workshop in Dominionville and we used the opportunity to bless 150+ kids with clothes generously donated to us by Salome.
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Hope Crèche will be hosting its third Graduation since opening in 2014. This is truly an event to be proud of. How can it be that one spark can set such an amazing fire. A fire that is not stoppable, it is all consuming, overflowing like a star it is creating so many what ifs, what if … Read more
Today I spoke to a man, he was upset at my bible talk and at last after some time he finally confessed that He didn’t want to know who God is, people fought hard, died in wars, protested at the injustice of society so that we can be free. He said how can I want … Read more
On Sun 13 July 2014 we held a Social Development Workshop in Dominionville and we used the opportunity to bless 150+ kids with clothes generously donated to us by Salome.
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Today I asked myself a few times, is all this really worth it? I have faced challenges in my life and in this ministry but nothing ever equipped me for what I have experienced in Dominionville. How I long back to my people of Olifantshoek, people who never knew me, but opened there hearts to … Read more
2 Chronicles 20: 1,3 – “It came to pass after this also, that the children of Moab, and the children of Ammon, and with them other beside the Ammonites, came against Jehoshaphat to battle. And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah” … Read more
Matthew 28: 5 & 6“Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said…..” He has Risen: Matthew 28 Easter Sunday gives us a real Choice, a new Hope, the WORD of God risen in the Flesh and … Read more
Lord, today as I meditated on your word, and thought of the sacrifice you made for me…. I could only imagine, what You saw when You died upon that cross for me. I ask myself so many times, why me? Lord… How could you have loved me so much even when you saw that I … Read more
Sink or Swim Giving up… Sometimes we bob around on this ocean called life.. If we lucky a ship will pass us through the night.. Momentarily our lights will connect and a light will shine brighter then before… For just a moment.. BUT, life sets in again, things go back to normal…. And once again … Read more