My Story

A story of survival: 1994 was supposed to be the best year of my life.  I was 6 months pregnant and my beautiful little girl was 15 months old. It turned out that sometimes things don’t go as planned and you do get a curve ball that rocks your world, and leaves you numb. Being a … Read more

Panic Button

Ever had that panic button moment?  That moment where you want to run for the hills, crawl under a rock, take a few sleeping tablets make a run for it.. Jip, I know that feeling to well, and believe me I know everything there is to know about running away.  I like Jonah and the … Read more

Come to me

Today I was wondering what plan does God have with me. You I am sure understand what I mean when I say I feel empty and torn into a 100 pieces. We serve such a mighty God and we know the wonders of His hands and that our God is a God of today.. He … Read more

I Am Safe

I had a bad week, thought that running this race was a bit more than I can handle, Lord I am so unfit.. Ever had that feeling, taking a mouthful of steak and chewing and chewing realising that the work alone is a bit much but swallowing the lot.. well that’s just not going to … Read more


Ezekiel 16: 4-6 “4 When you were born, your umbilical cord wasn’t cut. You weren’t washed with water to make you clean. You weren’t rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloth.   5 No one who saw you felt sorry enough for you to do any of these things. But you were thrown into an open … Read more

God has Planned Your Future!

Have you ever thought about the price that was paid? How God must of known that to unite us back with Him the ultimate sacrifice…  But still His ultimate plan is that we prosper… That we have a future united back to Him!! A price had to be paid.. Jesus paid the price!

Doubting my Faith

I have often found myself in the past few months doubting my faith and wondering if I really heard right.  God says fear is not from Him, so I do stand on the promises I know to be true.  Somehow as I stand back and look at the task given me, fear seems to slip … Read more

Jesus JunXion

Lord if I could take people to the crossraods you took me too… I would, but I know our journey is our own… You gave us free will…  Oh Lord that they will always only choose you Jesus!!