
We have two graduations behind us.  


It has been an honor and a privilege to see children who have come off the streets, with no clothing and no food; turn into strong little soldiers ready to take on big school with so much pride and appreciation.

“Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice. Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings. Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great. YOU can be that great generation. Let your greatness blossom.” ― Nelson Mandela

This community is 20151205_133138poor, employment is non-existent and people have little or no education.  Adults make babies for grants and children don’t understand birth control, domestic violence is high on our concern list and children fleeing from their homes have no safe haven.  We have children in our crèche who have not been fed for days.  When they come here they cry until the first meal is served.

We help parents find work, and we supply counseling to break the cycle of poverty.  We have seen that poverty is not won with war and politics but with love and education.

We purchase food for two meals a day, every month,  we put on water and lights, keep the garden maintained, keep the internet on, to help families look for work, children do school projects and keep our daily business activities afloat.  Unfortunately, this is all one family can afford. I would love to pay our volunteers but for now they eat with our children and work just as hard as we do to give them all a better future,

Our nursery needs cots, nappies, blankets, baby milk, porridge, purity, baby creams, and toiletries.  We have babies, that don’t even know what age they are, they have no birth certificates and no birthdays.

Our Crèche needs, playground equipment, plastic chairs and tables, eating utensils, homework books, crayons, paints, educational toys, teddy bears and warm blankets, mattresses to sleep on.

Our soup kitchen needs stoves, fridges, pots, cutlery, crockery, tables and chairs, feeding chairs and food.  We need to feed 300 people three times a day.

Our buildings need new roofs, window frames, windows, doors, paint, kitchen equipment, paving, and anything I might have missed.

I know that companies have to adhere to red tape and budget constraints but we are on the ground now, and now there are children hungry, now there are children in fear and we need you to take hands with us and rise-up a generation who can break the cycle.

As Mandela said, “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” ― Nelson Mandela

I trust that your heart has been stirred, that your compassion drives you and that you will answer my call.

With your help, Tsegofatso will still be with us for 4 more years, help us stay open so that she too can have a foundation that strengthens her to fight for her future.

Our Abandoned baby... We got her at a few weeks old. Her name is Tsegofatso
Our Abandoned baby… We got her at a few weeks old. Her name is Tsegofatso
Gwen du Preez
Founder – Jesus JunXion