After intense prayer my husband and I decided to make our home in Kleinsee. When the decision had been made we realised that the ministry was a huge part of who we are and Jesus JunXion head office moved with to Kleinsee. We knew the amount of prayer that was required taking Jesus JunXion to Kleinsee and after a year of prayer, here WE ARE FINALLY CITIZENS of a town that can be the closest to heaven you can get while still on earth.
I love this place everything about this place is beautiful. Thank you Lord for sending me here.. Living here changes your sight, it reminds you daily that God is greater than yourself, that your small offences or quirks are really so low on the Richter scale, because it is here that I am reminded that I am loved by a great God and if He is for me then no-one can be against me.(How perfect is that!) so much was put into place when I was created, and it was all for me (and for you) for the word says in Jeremiah 32:41 I was planted into this land and BECAUSE of that I can be Gwen/Jesus JunXion citizen of Kleinsee my home!!!
It’s hard living here, I thought with so much beauty it could only be easy BUT daily I am reminded that nothing of value comes easy, and I am not here for me… I am here for You Lord.
That which I imagined and dreamed… is SO much different. The reality is I have come into a town who holds onto the past; struggling to embrace a new generation.. When new is different people are scared and this makes it hard to be accepted here, when I was here as a tourist, all were eager to show me what a beautiful place Kleinsee is and eagerly encouraged this tourist to come back….because as tourists in Kleinsee, you come for pleasure and this is but a fleeting moment leaving no permanent change… and that is easy to accept.. BUT when you come to make your home here you become a citizen and that changes things, because you are permanent you belong to this town now and that brings with, change. I moved in and called Kleinsee my home, and suddenly it was all so different.
I remind myself that I can make a change here because God is so great and all that is in Him is in me and I have the fruits of the spirit and Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world…and my Father has gone before me and prepared the way.
God shows me the heart of His people in Kleinsee and across the world and I see people who fear change. A town that has no fellowship with God but are hungry for His presence. A need to know Him more, but the fear of change, brings loneliness. When we do not seek our Saviour Jesus Christ, with all of our beings we miss Him. God has put a need in all of us that will make us search for God our Saviour. Sometimes you don’t know that only Jesus Christ can fill that need eating inside of you, so you keep on searching trying to replace that need, in different ways and in all the wrong places.
But Still you serve a loving God, who will keep on calling you. For Jesus says that He stands at the door and knock’s waiting for someone to answer. It is almost like a 3-course meal, everything you need in one sitting. The only difference is that your meal is for free and you will never go hungry again; and God will never treat you like a tourist, you will become a citizen of a heavenly kingdom.
Sometimes we are treated like tourists by our own families or by our in-laws. Maybe its in a town where you recently became a “new” citizen. Jesus is saying: “I am the passport that will make you a citizen of a much worthier prize”. Choose Jesus Christ now, because soon the God of all that was ever created will be returning. When He does, He will take you with Him to the place where you will never cry again, where you will never feel lonely again. You will never be written off because of your past or your present sins or because of what people see you as… Today I can tell you, sons and daughters of God that you were created in God’s image and everything about you is perfect but by choosing to not choose Christ YOU choose to not be the citizen of a kingdom that really matters.
Lord today my prayer is that here in Kleinsee, You will provide a place of fellowship. Lord that you will change the hearts of your children. Father that they will seek You in every situation. Renew each mind Lord that when they are tempted to gossip and slander another person; that they will turn from that human nature and choose You our King. Father soften the hearts of the people so that forgiveness will prevail. Help them to find you when hate and scorn is on the tips of their tongues. Lord sow your love into each and every one so that each one will go to their knees and call on your name Jesus, remind us Father that there is power in the name of Jesus and that we will find compassion when we stay on our knees.
So today I ask You Father to strengthen me, to stand up and try again…. Lord, may I answer Your call my Father… When you ask: “Whom can I send?” Lord may my answer always be.. Send me!
Wow ek trek ook terug Kleinsee toe die 21 ste Des ek en my man na ons ook lank gebid het daaroor ons het gebly in 2016 in kleinzee en trek nou terug ons kan nie meer wag nie Sarita vd Merwe