Ezekiel 16: 4-6 “4 When you were born, your umbilical cord wasn’t cut. You weren’t washed with water to make you clean. You weren’t rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloth.   5 No one who saw you felt sorry enough for you to do any of these things. But you were thrown into an open field. You were rejected when you were born.   6 “‘Then I went by you and saw you kicking around in your own blood. I said to you, “Live.”

How amazing that one word from God, changes every second of your future… God saw me how many times, rejected, alone.. Fighting to live and in my last hour the moment just before the dawn.. My Saviour said “Live”

Look beyond the brokeness, go past the blood, go past the rape, go past the beatings, go past the history go past the rejection… Look to God and hear the word Live!!