Panic Button

Panic Button

Ever had that panic button moment?  That moment where you want to run for the hills, crawl under a rock, take a few sleeping tablets make a run for it..

Jip, I know that feeling to well, and believe me I know everything there is to know about running away.  I like Jonah and the whale can make a 90˚turn, how many times has God not wanted to grab me and shake me loose from the limits I have put on myself, from the box I have conformed too. I am sure that God has many a time just let me burn my fingers over and over.  Like a spoilt child not wanting to hear, not daring to listen.  Then when the smoke settles and I feel the blisters I look to the heavens and say Lord where were You?

How is it that we shout out to Jesus when we are in need but when we are steering this ship called life we don’t think to stop for a minute and ask God for directions?

My life has many a time felt like it was coming apart at the seams, as if I was running and just not getting anywhere.  My dad is very sick alone in an old age home 600km’s from me, My mom has bad sugar and lives 30km’s away from my dad on her own, with no family close by.  My son has just finished matric and we have no funds to send him to learn further.  My daughter is having our first grandchild and financially we are not able to help with baby. I am very sick and have to be in Bloemfontein on the 28th January 2013, our attempt to purchase a house was denied and we are not able to continue staying in the current rental house.

Yes, and God says in all things praise Him!!! So why is it that we as children of God have to face these types of challenges? Honestly I don’t know, what I do know is that my Father wants me to trust in Him no matter the circumstances!!

So my friend, don’t allow the destruction around you make you think you lost the race, you missed eternity.  Don’t allow satan to make you think that God is not on the throne because no matter what happens around you, how much you have to loose..  While you know and worship Jesus the maker of the earth, the God of universe you are wealthy beyond measure.


Let go of the wheel let God, steer your life boat in the direction God has willed for you.  I pray that in the midst of this destruction you face that you will look to the heavens and know where your strength lies!  Be blessed! Gwen