Taking away my freedom….

Today I spoke to a man, he was upset at my bible talk and at last after some time he finally confessed that He didn’t want to know who God is, people fought hard, died in wars, protested at the injustice of society so that we can be free.  He said how can I want to put him back into bondage when so many people paid with there lives to set him and his kind free…..

Oh how my heart breaks at the lies of the enemy, I sat in that room on a chair looking into this man’s eyes, wondering if he really couldn’t see my Lord and Saviour, wondering if he would listen should the Saviour speak, and then God said…  “Gwen, are you listening? do you not hear me, I sent you here for you to talk.. speak my child, he will listen..”

I opened my mouth and I heard God speak, I felt my chest tighten with the pain of tears bursting through my system, racing to break free and slowly fall down my cheek.. Oh Lord, how can You use me so profoundly?  God said to this man, “Son, you mourn for the lives of the people who went to war to fight a cause, ONE Cause, freedom.. They believed and they were willing to die for that belief.  Why is it then so hard to believe that the God of the universe, the God that counted your hair the day you were born, the God who breathed your first breath into your body, the God who watched you every day since, who went before you to remove the obstacles that would destroy you, the God that waited, and waited… keeping your heart beating, hoping that soon you would know…that hunger inside of you…is ME”

I felt my body ache at the words I spoke, I felt my Saviour so real, I could feel the hand of mercy on my life, and I could see the Lion of Judah as it stood by this man’s side… for a moment I felt a pang of jealousy, wanting to see the Lion of Judah waiting, Slavesstanding in the wake for me….BUT then I knew, God loved this man so much, He had come to set him free, the freedom that includes being totally reliant on the One True Jesus Christ.  So many people have died for a cause, but there is only ONE TRUE GOD, who would die to take Your place, My place, the place of the entire world.

Jesus didn’t die for your freedom, He died for your life!


If you are looking for freedom, turning to the world will break the chains of Guilt but will tighten the chains of sin.. Either way, what we define as freedom remains our choice!

Whatever you choose make sure its free…